• Create an account by going to the "Sign In" link on the top right and login to the portal with the credentials. Please read the FAQ before starting out to fill the application (s).

  • A separate application must be submitted for every post through the portal. Data and details that are common to different applications which has been filled into the first application shall be auto-filled in subsequent applications. Candidates may however take care to see that the auto-filled data are indeed correct. All fields marked with '*' are mandatory.

  • The application portal requires the following to be uploaded as separate documents, preferably in PDF, along with a passport size photograph.
    1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    2. Teaching plan, indicating courses in the discipline that you can teach. An expanded statement of the objectives and long term interests in coursework development may be included. For those with prior teaching experience, the statement should preferably contain details of student feedback ratings, outline of courses taught by the candidate and novel methods used if any. The statement can also include details of any teaching related awards and details of participation in teacher development programs as participant or as mentor.
    3. Research plan, highlighting the current and past research interests and achievements as also future plans in the short and long terms. The plan should highlight how the work contributes or will contribute to advances in the field. The research plan may also briefly include details of sponsored and consultancy projects that are completed and ongoing, if applicable.
    4. Copies of Ph.D. degree certificate and penultimate degree (degree immediately preceding Ph.D.) certificate, as well as copy of the penultimate degree marksheet
    5. Copies/Re-prints of your three best publications authored in the last 10 years, which best highlight your research contributions.
    6. Copies of certificates for proof of category and physical disability, if applicable
  • The application portal also requires data on the following.
    1. Number of publications in peer-reviewed journals and international/national conferences, books and book chapters as well as patents filed/granted. A complete list of all publications/books/patents may be included in the CV, with the salient contributions of the best works of the candidate highlighted.
    2. Number of externally funded projects and funding received. Specific details on the projects including sponsoring agency, value, status of project, co-investigators and the contributions made by the candidate can be included in the CV.
    3. Number of students supervised/currently supervising (Ph.D./MS/M.Tech.) as official guide/co-guide.
    4. Experience (in months) before and after Ph.D. in research and industry as well as teaching experience at UG/PG level. Details on courses taught and novel methods employed can be part of the teaching plan and also detailed in the CV.
    5. Details of atleast three referees who can provide an independent assessment of your abilities and contributions.
  • Any other information such as prizes and awards, organisation of conferences, reviewer for journals, member of editorial boards, outreach activities and administrative roles undertaken may also be clearly highlighted in the CV.